

2024-12-15 18:05640
  • 日期:2025-11-19~2025-11-21
  • 城市:伊斯坦布尔
  • 展馆:伊斯坦布尔国际展览中心
  • 主办:慕尼黑国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
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      土耳其伊斯坦布尔欧亚国际货运物流展览会(logitrans -International Trade Fair for Logistics and Transport)是欧洲及亚洲之间举行的唯一运输物流专业展览会,每年一届,在土耳其伊斯坦布尔国际展览中心(IFM)举行,由全球领先的展览集团-慕尼黑国际博览集团与土耳其EKO展览公司共同主办,在该地区的物流业显示最强的组织者,该展是欧亚交界区域最大的最专业的物流行业展。该交易会提供的产品和服务覆盖了整个增值链涵盖物流,远程信息处理和传输广泛,Logitrans将在欧洲,亚洲和俄罗斯市场之间的完美的桥梁。






      展品范围(Show Products):



      IT /远程信息处理、电子商务、通信:通信系统,数据处理系统,电子商务和电子商务系统,综合交通管理系统ITMS,运输控制和DP系统;




      展会报告(Show Report):

      The 2024 edition of logitrans Istanbul which opened its doors for the 17th time has come to a close, once again solidifying its position as a key hub for the international logistics and transport industry. This year logitrans brought together 203 exhibitors from 18 countries and 6 country pavilions - Germany, Belarus, Czech, Spain, Russia and Greece. The event welcomed more than 14,000 visitors, an increase of 18 percent compared to last year, creating a vibrant atmosphere for business, networking and knowledge sharing. A total of 1,421 visitors came from 74 different countries, including one person from 13 different countries. 175 visitors from the Russian Federation, 107 visitors from Germany, 72 visitors from Bulgaria, 107 visitors from Germany, 72 visitors from Bulgaria and 70 visitors from Belarus held meetings on the fairground over the three days. In addition to 132 visitors who did not specify their country of origin, at least 30 people from countries such as Kazakhstan, Italy, Austria, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and China visited logitrans Fair and witnessed the most important event of the global logistics industry in Eurasia. Giant countries and economies such as the USA, Japan, Pakistan and India also attended the fair to witness Turkey's logistics infrastructure and institutional development level.

      The event opened with a well-attended ceremony featuring inspiring speeches and the traditional ribbon cutting. For three days, the conference program organized by strong partners such as UND, UTIKAD, C.I.L.T. Türkiye and TITR showcased and evaluated the latest innovations, trends and solutions shaping the future of logistics and transportation.

      The fairground was buzzing with activity, reflecting the dynamic energy of the sector. Participants praised the quality of the event. “logitrans exceeded our expectations again this year. The diversity of the visitors and the depth of the discussions were really valuable,” said onur Talay, CEO of Talay Logistics, adding, “This event is indispensable for us. It's where we connect with key stakeholders and discover new opportunities in the logistics world.”

      Hüseyin Kıyak, Deputy General Manager of OREGON Technology, said: “logitrans Fair proved its international strength once again this year. We came together with industry professionals from all over the world. There was an incredible increase compared to last year.”

      Kristina Shtereva, Marketing Director of Discordia, said the following about logitrans 2024 Fair, where international companies exhibited a very intense participation: “We were very pleased with the connections we made, the business ideas and strategies we gained, and the new cooperation opportunities we encountered at logitrans, which we attended for the 2nd time. This event contributes more and more every year to the growth of business by providing information about new markets and establishing new partnerships.”

      As logitrans 2024 concludes, the connections forged and insights gained during the event will continue to influence the logistics landscape in the months ahead. logitrans, where the industry will come together once again to shape the future, will bring together industry participants with visitors on November 19-21, 2025 at the Eurasia Show and Art Center.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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