北美国际清洁与维护展览会(ISSA/INTERCLEAN North America)北美最大的工业及日用清洁用品与设施维护用品贸易展览会,该展由美国国际清洁卫生协会(ISSA)组织,一年一届,在美国主要城市轮流举行。ISSA/INTERCLEAN始于1967年,是迄今为止清洁行业历史最为悠久的专业博览会,吸引众多家国际国内知名企业参展,共同展现代表世界清洁领域的最高水准的清洁设备、工具、用品、材料和技术,是开拓北美市场最佳平台。
ISSA / INTERCLEAN的参观者代表工业和机构清洁行业的所有部门,包括分销商,批发商,建筑服务承包商和内部专业人员。大多数参加的人员包括总裁,业主,公司/总经理或高级销售管理人员,以及最终用户部门的运营经理,设施主管,环境服务,维护和设施工程师。
ISSA / INTERCLEAN提供网络、交流想法和做生意的完美平台。不要错过,现在在商业和机构清洁行业的所有主要团体聚集一个星期,预订您的立场,提供来自世界各地的顶级分销商,建筑服务承包商和内部决策者的访问。来自世界各地的16,000多名游客;在清洁行业开发新的前景;加强/加强您在北美市场的品牌(宣传);与可以和你做生意的决策者会面。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
The Mission of ISSA Show North America is to be the leading resource for information, education, innovation, networking, and commercial opportunities for firms within the worldwide cleaning industry. It’s where leaders gather to transfer knowledge and create cutting-edge solutions to push the industry forward. In doing so, we leverage the strength of a global community to change the way the world views cleaning – increasing the appreciation for cleaning as an investment in human health, the environment, and an improved bottom line.
The ISSA Show North America exhibition and conference brings together executives and leaders from all segments of the commercial and residential cleaning industries. This annual event is produced in partnership by Informa Markets and ISSA, the worldwide cleaning industry association, and is the leading platform for manufacturers, distributors, and facility service providers to connect, do business, and share information. In addition to an expansive exhibit hall, the show offers a robust education program where attendees learn the latest trends from industry experts, discuss best practices with peers, and earn technical training and professional certification.
Take the first step to market your brand to thousands of qualified cleaning and hygiene industry professionals. Exhibit at the ISSA Show North American and join over 13,000 professionals looking for solutions to a cleaner, safer, and healthier world.
During the show at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, you’ll have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with top distributors, contractors, and end-users who are excited to see new products, services, and innovations.