

2022-07-22 10:407630
  • 日期:2023-01-31~2023-02-02
  • 城市:米兰
  • 展馆:米兰新国际展览中心
  • 主办:意大利米兰展览集团公司
  • 展会详情
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      意大利米兰国际服装纺织面料和辅料展览会(Milano Unica)全球知名的服装及纺织面料与辅料配件专业贸易展览会,该展从2005年开始,一年两届,在米兰国际展览中心举行。该展由米兰国际展览公司主办,同时在中国上海每年秋季举行东方服装纺织面料展览。Milano Unica由企业家构思,组织和推动,根据其产品质量,在高度合格的环境中提供对世界纺织品的国际知名度。


      为满足客户需求而量身定制,有选择性并专注于细节,Milano Unica希望成为家,成为意大利纺织品和配件贸易展的客户的家,谁觉得他们属于一个高度专业的环境,展示了意大利风格的酒店及品味。


      Milano Unica是在世界顶级时尚市场提供最佳产品的理想场所。将9月份任命提前到7月的决定回应了时尚界的变化,将展览转变为面向纺织品的最具未来性的展览。


      参展Milano Unica意味着进入高档时装世界,并可随时获取最新行业讯息。


      它最初于2005年举办,由五个独立的贸易展览合并而成,这些展览为意大利制造和欧洲制造的纺织品的成功做出了贡献:Ideabiella,Ideacomo,Moda In,Shirt Avenue和Pratotrade。在Milano Unica提供的单一环境中,Ideabiella,Moda In和Shirt Avenue保持着自己的身份,在向世界展示卓越纺织品方面发挥着核心作用。


      展品范围(Show Products):

      时尚首饰,纽扣,徽章,拉链,罩杯, 牛仔布, 标签,带扣和皮带, 缝纫线, 仿皮, 衬料,填充料,衬布,金属配件,钩和环扣, 弹性带和缏,丝绒,丝带,提花织带,光滑缎带, 削减缎带,未注明缎带, 羊绒, 修剪,皮革, 天然皮革,裘皮, 生态裘皮, 毛皮, 羽毛, 花边,梭结花边, 衣架, 刺绣, 围巾, 刺绣徽章, 肩垫, 披肩, 人造钻石和金片, 编织纺织品, 针织面料 - 平纹针织物, 粘合织物, 人造纤维/人造纤维混合物, 人造纤维织物,其他纤维,漂白的织物,棉/棉混纺织物, 有机面料, 弹性织物, 花纹织物, 棉服和绗缝面料, 贵族纤维织物, 防护织物, 羊毛,羊毛混纺,羊绒面料, 亚麻/亚麻混纺面料,华纹/提花面料, 衬衫布,领带面料,再生织物, 丝/真丝混纺织物, 合成纤维/合成纤维混合物, 涂层织物, 特里布料, 印花织物, 化纤织物 ,匹染织物,色织布, 转拨,薄纱和网布, 丝绒,塑料胶带和热塑性塑料。


      展会报告(Show Reports):

      Positive results for the 35th edition of Milano Unica

      The presence of the most important international buyers, especially from Europe and the United States, confirms the recovery of the textile industry despite challenges

      The three-day event of the 35th edition of Milano Unica at Fiera Milano Rho closed yesterday with positive and encouraging results.

      389 exhibitor companies, 324 were Italian and 65 from abroad, presented their A/W 2023/2024 collections of high-end textiles and accessories for menswear, womenswear and kidswear, in addition to the research and innovation areas, which brought the total number of exhibitor companies up to 445.


      All told, the companies that visited Milano Unica from 12 to 14 July came to 4,052, of which 2,799 Italian and 1,253 from other countries, + 31% compared to the 33rd edition, held in July 2021.

      There were a number of pleasant surprises, beginning with the strong participation of visitors from the USA, with 162 in attendance, and all the European countries improved over the last edition, specifically: Germany 102, France 77, Great Britain 95, Romania 20, Spain 65, Portugal 29, Switzerland 95, Netherlands 37 and 49 from Turkey. In addition, there were significant numbers of visitors from Japan (51), Korea (32) and Australia, with 20 companies attending the trade show for the first time, all indications of a positive trend in the markets of the Far East.

      “Strong growth in sales during 2022, led by the United States and Europe, stimulated companies to invest in the trade show, confirming once again, with 445 exhibitors, the creativity and quality of the offering presented by the top textile manufacturers. Additional confirmation was provided by the presence of important buyers from all over the world, proof of the inestimable value of personal contact and the importance of being able to see and touch the new collections.” comments Alessandro Barberis Canonico, President of Milano Unica.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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