

2022-07-21 22:221737
  • 日期:2022-10-21~2022-10-24
  • 城市:米兰
  • 展馆:米兰新国际展览中心
  • 主办:意大利米兰展览集团公司
  • 展会详情
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      意大利米兰国际纺织洗涤用品及设备展览会(ExpoDetergo International)是意大利唯一的以纺织品为主的洗涤用品及设备专业贸易展览会,该展四年一届,在米兰国际展览中心举行。该展不仅专注于展览的活动,而且也将其作为直接比较产品和创新解决方案的渠道,为在洗衣、熨烫和纺织品保养行业工作的专业人士提供了一个共同点。竞争力、效率和可持续性是活动的主题,将是培训研讨会和信息化计划的核心,提供有关技术方面和市场分析的见解,旨在与业界专家交流意见和会议。


      ExpoDetergo展比较和更新的时间,通过与最重要的行业协会的支持和协作来保证质量,并与访问者掌握专有技术。ExpoDetergo International的参展商包括服务提供商和技术公司,他们将展示其机械,熨烫设备,洗涤剂,化学品,运输,识别,包装系统和配件等最新发展。


      ExpoDetergo International将在米兰举办国际洗衣服装维修设备展览会,连续四天举行。 这将是与洗衣,熨烫,纺织和相关产品清洁相关的设备,服务,产品和配件的广泛展览。 该展会将全面致力于干洗和工业洗衣服务提供商,公司将通过其创新产品展示最新技术。 参观者将特别受益于相关领域最新发展。 除此之外,参展商将有很好的机会,让很多客户获得良好的销售。


      展品范围(Show Products):



      展会报告(Show Reports):

      Milan, 30 October 2018 – 20,756 visitors from 113 countries attended EXPOdetergo International 2018, confirming itself as the world's leading event for laundry, ironing and textile-care industry operators.

      The internationality of the visitors is worthy of note: 45% from abroad, increasing by 15% overall. Even the number of countries represented grows - 113 compared to 102 last edition (+11%) - with a significant increase of those from Africa and Asia, while Europe remained the continent with the highest number of foreigners (71%). In particular, Germany ranked first for number of visitors, followed by France, Spain, Russia and Belgium.

      “EXPOdetergo International has the strength to group operators from five continents and the European and American buyers' acute interest, combined with the new profiles from Asia and Africa, are a clear demonstration of how the expo is the chance to create real business opportunities even in those developing countries whose growth margins can prove interesting.” - confirmed Livio Bassan, president of EXPOdetergo International – “I also would like to stress the educational role this edition played: focus on saving resources, whether water, energy, detergents or fabric, represented a central theme that characterised most of the presented proposals. Overall, during these days filled with lively trading and professional discussions, we fully expressed the claim ‘Less is Better’ we used to launch the event: in fact, competitiveness is now based on money-saving and time-saving strategies and the market is in line with these key aspects”.

      An edition that boasts significant figures from every standpoint ended last October 22nd at Fiera Milano: 277 exhibitors, 36% foreign, from 24 countries covering a 17.654 square metre expo surface.

      A complete range of the sector's most innovative offers was presented at EXPOdetergo International: from dry cleaning, an industry that represents Italian excellence, to water, with the leading international specialists' ranges. Ironing products, professional detergents – which are increasingly high-performing and environmentally friendly – and complete and automated lines, including packaging were also showcased. The supply chain was completed by the offering of the fabric (bedding and table linen), with luxury fabrics and linens for hotels, spas and restaurants, management systems and 4.0 solutions.

  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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