

2023-08-04 17:142437
  • 日期:2024-01-13~2024-01-16
  • 城市:里瓦德尔加尔达
  • 展馆:意大利里瓦德尔加尔达会展中心
  • 主办:意大利里瓦德尔加尔达会展公司
  • 展会详情
    • 18SZ图片处理

      意大利加尔达国际鞋类展览会(Expo Riva Schuh & Gardabags)是全球最大的、最专业的鞋及配件、皮具手袋类贸易展览会之一,经过多年的发展现成为世界鞋业界的知名展会,自1972年以来,每年两届,在意大利里瓦德尔加尔达会展中心(Riva del Garda Fierecongressi)举行。该展也是意大利服装及鞋类大型展览会之一,每年一月、六月分别举行冬夏两季展,为期四天的展览贸易活动,汇聚全球各地的贸易商、厂商在一起共享行业盛会。


      Expo Riva Schuh鞋展在意大利里瓦德尔加尔达城举办,它是一个气候适宜的传统旅游盛地。坐落在意大利北部美丽的加尔达湖畔。它是连接意大利及德国的重要通道,它与意大利的几个重要城市相接近:如维罗纳(Verona)、威尼斯(Venice)、米兰(Milan)。


      Expo Riva Schuh鞋展不同于其他鞋展的特性是:它定位准确,是欧洲唯一一个定位于低端及中端鞋类产品市场(低于80欧元的产品)的展览。它并不是一个对于高档品牌零售商的展会,但却抓住了一月及六月中低端鞋类换季订货期。它40多年来积累了几乎全部欧州地区的批发商及批量进口商。对于接大单的生产商来说展期最适宜,因为它提供了一个足够新款投入市场的尝试期。时效性及多样性使“加达鞋展”成为鞋业界同仁不可措失的选择。也只有“加达鞋展”当之无愧地称为欧洲中低端鞋类的贸易基地。它不是一个宣传品牌的展览,但确是个实实在在做大货生意的展览。


      Expo Riva Schuh鞋展规模约有13000多个参观商(4000个重要购买商)中,除意大利本土的专业人士及欧盟国家(特别是北欧,英国,德国,西班牙,法国,比利时,荷兰,奥地利等)业界人员外,也有大批来自俄罗斯(东欧国家)、美国、加拿大等地的专业买家。除此之外,加大组委会倾力引入TOP FASHION CHINA的概念至新C4馆, 云集了中国时尚品牌鞋企,反响热烈,效果卓越。

      展品范围(Show Products):



      展会报告(Show Reports):

      Expo Riva Schuh & Gardabags was born almost by chance at the end of the 1960s, thanks to a small group of Italian and German wholesalers and representatives led by Friedrich Karl Eichholz who gathered twice a year at Lake Garda for a 10-day business event. These meetings were held in hotels scattered around the lake, in close contact with the local community.

      Over time, the number of trade visitors grew more and more – also thanks to the fact that the gatherings were held at convenient times – so much so that the fair had to find a new location: the Palazzo dei Congressi (Congress Centre) in Riva del Garda. It was 1974 when the first edition of the trade fair, which a few years later would be known as 'Expo Riva Schuh', was officially opened.

      Organised by Riva del Garda Fierecongressi SpA, with the help of its founder Friedrich Karl Eichholz, year after year the event became more and more popular in the European footwear market and a larger venue was needed; therefore, the Palafiere was built, which is still the main venue of the event.

      In the early 2000s, internationalisation became one of the main objectives of the fair – which was also held in the United Arab Emirates and India – as well as a key growth accelerator that led it to become the leading international fair dedicated to footwear and leather goods at global level.

      Its distinctiveness as a multi-venue trade fair – the forerunner of a highly successful trade fair model – and the leisure atmosphere that characterised it in its early days continue to this day and make it a unique experience for exhibitors and visitors alike.

      Making business, dialogue and innovation within the worldwide volume footwear, leather goods and accessories market easier is the main objective of Expo Riva Schuh and Gardabags.

      With the capability of attracting over 12,000 international buyers - more than 86% of whom come from Europe, especially from Italy, Germany, Spain, France and the United Kingdom, this trade fair is the right place.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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