

2023-05-05 19:241679
  • 日期:2024-02-29~2024-03-03
  • 城市:埃森
  • 展馆:埃森国际展览中心
  • 主办:埃森国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
    • 18SZ图片处理

      埃森国际自行车展览会(FAHRRAD ESSEN)是德国北威州最大的、最专业的自行车及配件贸易展览会,从1997年开始,一年一届,在埃森国际展览中心举行。该展与同期举行的贸易展览会+旅游野营和钓鱼食品展览会吸引了不少观众,而且有三分之一的观众对关注自行车,而且许多游客在博览会买了一辆新自行车或在新设备投资。该展从跑步机的高科技自行车到普通的自行车或两轮车,骑自行车是交通工具世界上使用最广泛的,自行车的诞生至今约200年的历史。


      每年一届的埃森国际自行车展览会参展商逐年增加,参展商的范围:自行车,骑自行车,自行车配件和服务等。尤其是它良好的三个测试赛道上的轮子可以在表演前提出。 在自行车展上将再次呈现最新的需求趋势,以及配件和自行车的最新需求。


      在50个不同的交易会和展览会 - 包括13个国际领先的展览会 - 埃森欢迎,每年大约有13,000名参展商及参观人数高达150万。超过11万平方米的展览面积在18个展厅和画廊可以在这里找到。

      在欧洲心脏的位置是在德国人口最多的国家,北莱茵 - 威斯特伐利亚州。 40%的欧盟人口生活在半径500公里范围内,生成欧盟收入的60%左右。高投资潜力和强劲的消费需求说服所有工业部门的参展商。


      展品范围(Show Products):

      1、自行车:安全自行车、小轮自行车、城市自行车、跨自行车、巡洋舰、电动自行车、折叠自行车、健身自行车、儿童自行车、三轮自行车、轻型自行车、便捷自行车、山地车、智能电动车、公路自行车、轮椅车、座位轮车、特殊的轮子、旅游自行车、徒步旅行自行车 ;




      展会报告(Show Reports):

      Messe Essen draws strong conclusion for the trip

      Leisure fair continues to be popular

      The camping trip is back. After three years of break due to pandemic, around 85,000 visitors to North Rhine-Westphalia's largest holiday fair helped to make an impressive comeback. Young and old flocked from 22. up to 26. February at Messe Essen and informed themselves about new trends in camping and attractive destinations. Especially at the weekend, all halls were operated as in the best pre-Corona times. Around 750 exhibitors and destinations presented at the Reise.Camping and the from 23. February parallel bicycle food all for the most beautiful time of the year. In addition, many former exhibitors used the fair to register for 2024.

      "We can be more than satisfied with this great record. Despite the aftermath of the pandemic and supply bottlenecks in the camping industry, Reise.Camping was able to build up almost seamlessly to the level before the pandemic. I am very pleased with this impressive result and would like to thank all exhibitors and visitors," explains Oliver P. Kuhrt, Managing Director of Messe Essen. Dieter Albert, President of the German Camping Club, also draws a positive conclusion: "The trip to camping is an indispensable date for us. Visitors to the fair expect the most beautiful campsites in Europe. Especially in North Rhine-Westphalia, interest in mobile travel is very high. We are very satisfied with our participation in the fair and are already looking forward to next year. "

      Camping accessories and vehicles lead the popularity ranking

      Almost half of the visitors did not only get information at the fair, but also used it to order or buy. Exhibitors of camping accessories, vehicles and international campsites proved to be particularly popular. The strongest growth in visitor interest compared to 2020 was recorded by suppliers of vehicle accessories and campsites in Germany, among others. All in all, around 92 percent of the visitors were completely satisfied or satisfied with their visit, 90 percent plan to visit again.


      In addition to the joy of reuniting the exhibitors and visitors, the journey "Camping" was characterized by numerous products and novelties. The automotive industry presented current vehicles and caravans in almost all conceivable sizes and floor plans. In addition, innovative mobile homes and unusual accessories such as an inflatable stand for umbrellas and a flutter umbrella, whose fabric provides deceptively real palm feeling. Comfort and sustainability were the defining trends across the range – from motorhomes with extendable attics (including workstations) to tents made of environmentally friendly materials to eco-certified campsites.

      Partner region Sønderjylland enchants with Danish hygge

      It was really nice and cozy in Hall 8, where the Danish Sønderjylland presented itself as a partner region of the trip.Camping. The friendly Scandinavians provided, among other things, with Danish gin and wine as well as the specially travelled oyster king Jesper Voss for the country's typical hygge feeling in the middle of the Ruhr area. Gitte Hoeg Andersen, PR and Marketing Coordinator of Destination Sønderjylland, summarizes: "We were delighted with the great interest at the fair and are going back to Denmark with many new contacts, many media reports about our region and without our brochures, as they were all distributed on the last day. Conclusion: a huge success! "The city of Prizren presented itself as another partner and advertised a visit to southern Kosovo.

      The German Camping Club (DCC) used the "ÜCamping" journey as an eye-catching stage for several award ceremonies. Hobby founder Harald Striewski received the German Camping Award on the first day of the fair, on whose behalf Managing Director Holger Schulz accepted the award from Essen's Lord Mayor Thomas Kufen. In addition, the DCC honoured particularly comfortably equipped campsites and pitches in Europe with the coveted European Prize.

      Market situation for bicycles relaxes

      Parallel to the Reise. Camping, another trade fair provided the joy of reunion: On the bicycle Essen in Hall 5, the exhibitors from 23 presented. up to 26. February new bicycles, accessories and tourist offers. Among the most popular models on offer were e-bikes and pedelecs, trekking bikes and cargo bikes. Several course areas invited visitors to test their desired bike extensively, including a dedicated circuit for e-bikes. At the same time, Fahrrad Essen made it clear that after the tense market situation during the pandemic, supply bottlenecks are largely over and prices are falling again.

      Experts also expect the camping industry to see the market change until the next trip. © Camping (28. February to 3. March 2024) relaxed again. One day later, the bike Essen starts as usual and completes the proven triad of travelling, camping and cycling.


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