
法兰克福车展成绝响 德国车展明年移师慕尼黑

来源:展会官网2020-03-04 10:15386


原名国际汽车展览会(Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung,一般缩写为IAA)的法兰克福车展1951年起举办。随着战后西德工业復甦,法兰克福车展规模愈来愈大,全盛时期2007年访客将近一百万人,可说是全球汽车产业的年度盛会。




The new IAA is opening up and will also reach out into the city, directly to the people, who can try out the latest vehicles and mobility concepts on test routes away from the exhibition halls. To meet this challenge, the IAA 2021 is pursuing new paths: a fundamentally new IAA concept has been developed together with member companies. In the future, the IAA will take mobility to ordinary people in the city, and will evolve more and more from a motor show into a comprehensive mobility platform.

This means that the IAA will no longer play out solely on one central site. The trade fair is opening up and will also bring its brands’ worlds of experience into the urban hotspots of the partner city. As a 360° mobility platform, it will involve ordinary citizens and – outside the exhibition halls – it will showcase the latest vehicles, autonomous modes of transport and innovative concepts so that they can be seen, touched and experienced by everyone. And that will not simply stop at the end of the event. In the future, the IAA will leave substantial marks and thus continue exerting its effects even after it has finished. The interplay with the municipality and the IAA exhibitors should give rise on the spot to visible mobility solutions for a sustainable living environment – the smart city. Conceivable ideas could include infrastructure projects for hydrogen filling stations, charging pillars and mobility hubs. With this approach the IAA will underscore its unique standing as the leading platform for mobility and set itself apart from other motor shows and hi-tech platforms.


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