新冠肺炎(COVID-19)全球大流行,各地疫情持续升温。继 6 月份将在上海举行的 CES Asia(亚洲消费性电子展)提前延期举办后,另一个原定在 6 月份举行的大型展览「E3电玩展」(Electronic Entertainment Expo),也确定抵挡不住疫情衝击,主办单位已经确定今年展会取消。
针对 E3 2020 展览,美国娱乐软体协会(ESA)发出声明,指出在与会员、厂商进行审慎评估之后,考虑到员工、参与者、以及 E3 伙伴的健康与安全,还有对产业的影响,决定取消预定今年 6 月 9 月至 11 日在美国洛杉矶举办的 E3 展览。目前确认主办单位会向参展厂商跟一般参与者退款。预计在原本 E3 发表的新品,等候与所有成员讨论后,将决定是否以线上直播的方式透过网路发表。
美国 E3 展览是电玩界盛事,自 1995 年开始举办。今年的 E3 因为微软 Xbox Series X 以及 Sony PlayStation 5 等新一代游戏主机,还有对应的游戏大作都将在会中发表而备受玩家期待。在展览确定取消后,将改以何种方式发表,得等候官方与参展厂商的之间的决议。
目前因为新冠肺炎疫情受到影响的大型展会不少,自二月起 MWC(全球行动通讯大会)、CP+(日本影像器材展)、日内瓦车展、SWSC音乐节、E3 电玩展都确定取消。GDC 游戏开发者大会、CES Asia 则是都宣布延期(确切日期都尚未公布)。单一厂商举办的大型会议中,Facebook F8 开发者大会、Google I/O 开发者大会都确定取消,前者将以直播方式发表部分新品。IBM Think 大会改以线上方式举行,辉达(NVIDIA) GDC 大会则是连线上直播都直接取消,改以提供新闻稿的方式发表新品。这一波新冠肺炎影响持续扩大,目前还没有宣布停办或取消的大型会议,包含微软 Build 开发者大会、苹果 WWDC 全球开发者大会等,会不会也受到本次疫情衝击,亟待观察。
After careful consultation with our member companies regarding the health and safety of everyone in our industry – our fans, our employees, our exhibitors, and our longtime E3 partners – we have made the difficult decision to cancel E3 2020, scheduled for June 9-11 in Los Angeles.
Following increased and overwhelming concerns about the COVID-19 virus, we felt this was the best way to proceed during such an unprecedented global situation. We are very disappointed that we are unable to hold this event for our fans and supporters. But we know it’s the right decision based on the information we have today.
Our team will be reaching out directly to exhibitors and attendees with information about providing full refunds.
We are also exploring options with our members to coordinate an online experience to showcase industry announcements and news in June 2020. Updates will be shared on E3Expo.com.
We thank everyone who shared their views on reimagining E3 this year. We look forward to bringing you E3 2021 as a reimagined event that brings fans, media, and the industry together in a showcase that celebrates the global video game industry.